Hey! Today is my honey’s birthday and I want to begin by wishing him a very happy and fulfilling day! Darlin’, you are a mighty warrior in Christ and a great priest for our home. Thank you for caring for those entrusted to you with such diligent attention. I love you and appreciate that Father would place you in my life so many days ago. I am blessed.
Okay, people, last Sunday the Holy Spirit told me that someone would be calling this week to offer me a position at another church. I questioned Him as to how that would affect my ministry at my home church and He assured me that it wouldn’t. I couldn’t guess how that could be, but I know His voice and He’s never lied to me before. I gave my husband the information and He and I prayed about it. I’ve been out of an outside job since January 15, 2009 and the income would be welcomed.
The following day I received a message on my home message machine from a woman I’ve never met before. She requested I contact her right away about a position she felt I would be perfect for. I returned her call and left a message on her voice mail.
When she reached me on Tuesday I was a little befuddled. She told me that she had found my resume on a website that I’ve never placed a resume on. She told me that although my resume showed no administrative assisting experience whatsoever, there was one item that did stick out to her, my experience working as an associate pastor.
Hmmm… Very curious, I told her, that you say you took my resume from a website that I never placed it on and even more curious that you find no administrative assisting experience on it, when that is most all I’ve ever done. I know God has a sense of humor and He knows my sense of adventure. Okay, I bit. I e-mailed my true resume over to her and she told me that she was right to believe I am perfect for the job.
An interview was set up for today, Friday. The woman told me that it is not normal that we not meet face to face before I interview, but she really felt this was right. I’ve accepted the interview invitation from the church, but this by no means implies that this job is my future. The Lord only said that someone would ask me and He has fulfilled what He said would be. This walk is not over. It is a matter of being trusted in little steps. It’s just another bend of obedience in my faith walk. I get more curious with every step. Don’t you?
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